Free Custom Balanced Food/Human Grade Recipes in Seconds | Free Shipping in US + 45-Day Money Back Guarantee
Make any changes you’d like to your dog’s weight, caloric distribution or ingredient amount and we’ll update your recipe.
A 35.0 lb dog requires on average 1002.0 kcal/day. We are instead using 0.0 kcal/day +/- 10% from the Calorie Counter. STOP USING Calorie Counter kcal/day value.
Entering a weight greater than 60 lb (27.2 kg) indicates your dog is not a small or medium breed. To avoid dietary calcium excess that can potentially lead to developmental orthopedic problems, the growth condition/requirement has been changed to AAFCO Large Breed Dog Growth.
Recipe must be enough for
The generated recipe will have approximately 1002.0 kcal.
Feel free to try changing amounts or units* or adding/removing ingredients to get your recipe just right. Adding in some supplements may not result in their use if not needed. Then click Update My Recipe - easy. *Changing units will result in trying to match the closest gram amount in the noted fractional increments
Pork, fresh, loin, top loin (chops), boneless, separable lean only, cooked, broiled (
Cereals, oats, regular and quick and instant, unenriched, cooked with water, no salt (entry by
Oil, canola
Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Pet Liquid
Apples, raw, with skin
Squash, summer, crookneck and straightneck, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Morton Iodized Salt
Balance IT® Canine (2.5 g/tsp)
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