We've got answers. Use the search bar below to type in any keywords or questions you may have — or scroll down for our full list of FAQs.
If you have a healthy adult dog or cat, you can use our free custom Recipe Builder. You’ll be able to instantly create a personalized recipe for your animal companion’s weight/energy needs that include their favorite ingredients that provide wholesome and safe nutrition.
If your animal companion has a medical condition under a veterinarian’s care, you will be required per the FDA (CPG Sec. 690.150) to submit a veterinary approval request before you can view a nutritionally complete recipe made with our free custom Recipe Builder or purchase certain supplements that can only be sold under the direction of a veterinarian. We will ask for your veterinarian’s contact information and contact them on your behalf (note: approval usually happens within 3 business days).
See also:
I am unsure where to start. How do I create a recipe for my healthy dog or cat?
The formulation software including requirements for medical conditions and recipes were created over the last twenty years by multiple veterinarians who are board-certified veterinary nutritionists, and who hold graduate degrees (MS or PhD) in nutrition. You can also read more below or head over to the About Us page to see a brief bulleted bio about our veterinarian founder, Sean Delaney, BS, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Nutrition), and his extensive experience and expertise in the world of veterinary nutrition.
Want to learn more, please see below:
We were established by a board-certified veterinary nutritionist®. Recognized as a world expert, our founder, Dr. Sean Delaney, previously served as a clinical faculty member at a top-tier U.S. veterinary school over a decade (2003-2013) while successfully training many other specialists. He has served as the Executive Chair of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition (ACVN®), and he subsequently helped merge it into the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) in 2021. He was also elected as the Chair of the AVMA Veterinary Specialty Organizations Committee representing over 13,500 veterinary specialists in 46 distinct fields working on improved competencies, and was the R&D head & SEVP for an industry-leading natural pet food company that developed the first grain free and 95% organic pet food brands and was acquired by Procter & Gamble while he was one of four “C-suite executives”. He is one of two original editors and authors of the prominent and widely referenced veterinary nutrition textbook, Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, 1st & 2nd Editions, published by Wiley. He is currently the volunteer Board Chair of MMI, a non-profit that teaches veterinary nutrition at 25 veterinary schools in North America and the Caribbean. He also founded Vet Assistant AI, Inc. which offers solutions to improve veterinary communications and patient outcomes. Balance It® is a brand of Davis Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc. which is a California benefit corporation (see mission below) with Dr. Delaney, Siona Santos Delaney, a chemical engineer, and Aniel Santos, a software engineer, as its shareholders & Board of Directors. It became a Certified B Corp in March 2025.
For nearly two decades, Balance It® has provided solutions for safely feeding animal companions fresh food. Our many firsts include the first (and patented) all-in-one-powdered supplements to fortify human food fed to dogs and cats as well as the first online formulation software to dynamically and instantly create complete and balanced pet food recipes. Balance It® has been used by over 30,000 veterinarians and is used by most clinically active small animal board-certified veterinary nutritionists around the globe and in academia. With tens of millions of recipes generated, we are the number one trusted source of recipes that veterinarians do & can recommend and clients can rely on with confidence. The Balance It® formulation software and/or supplement(s) has/have also been used in the most challenging patients & referrals cases and numerous peer-reviewed studies as found in the following publications:
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) 240(5) (2012) 532-538;
JAVMA 241(11) (2012) 1453-1460; JAVMA 242(11) (2013) 1500-1505;
Journal of Physiology and Animal Nutrition (JAPAN) 97 (2013) 400; and
JAPAN 99 (2015) 818-819.
Balance It® has also supported research on vitamin retention factors to bolster the data available from the USDA and that is important for one pot cooking (via Yuki Okada, BA, DVM, PhD’s 2022 AAVN Symposium award-winning ACVIM (Nutrition) residency project that Balance It® funded) and canine taurine metabolism at the University of Missouri (via a 2022-23 research gift to Robert Backus, MS, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (Nutrition)’s laboratory). To further specialty veterinary knowledge, training, competence, and practice, Balance It® is an ongoing supporter of the ACVIM (e.g., Bronze Sponsor of the 2023 40th Anniversary ACVIM Forum).
Davis Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc.'s Mission:
Davis Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc. is a California Benefit Corporation founded by a board-certified veterinary nutritionist in 2003 to improve the health of animals through better nutrition and medical care. We recognize and support the mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship of the human-animal bond. We develop and produce innovative educational materials, services, and products that nourish animals and inform their caretakers. We are committed to pioneering sustainable practices across our operations, from sourcing ingredients, powering our facility, selecting our packaging, and empowering our stakeholders, aiming to leave a positive environmental legacy. Through professionalism, creativity, transparency, and empathy, we strive for healthier lives and a thriving Earth for all.
This video by Sean J. Delaney, DVM, MS, DACVN (now DACVIM (Nutrition) given the ACVN-ACVIM merger in 2021) covers the nutritional management of adverse reactions to food (food allergy) in-depth. Specific strategies such as avoidance of previously fed antigens, low omega-6 to long-chain omega-3 fatty acid ratio, variable dietary fat concentration, and variable dietary fiber concentration are addressed. Diagnosis and monitoring are briefly covered as they relate to the nutritional management of the disease. This video was made possible by: Balance It®. If you would like to watch this video with captions, please do not click the automated captions. The non-automated English captions are much more accurate and can also be somewhat accurately translated via Google's software to other languages.
Time Stamps for Sections:
Beginning: 0:00
Diagnosis: 1:27
Nutritional Therapy Strategies: Avoidance of Previously Fed Antigens: 5:57
Nutritional Therapy Strategies: Low n-6 to Long-chain n-3 Fatty Acid Ratio: 10:02
Nutritional Therapy Strategies: Variable Dietary Fat Level: 12:03
Nutritional Therapy Strategies: Variable Dietary Fiber Level: 12:55
Monitoring: 14:04
Thank you for your interest in using Balance It® to create safe, custom, and wholesome dog/cat food at home. Guidance on supplement selection and use is available for free via the online Recipe Builder, powered by the Autobalancer®. This advanced software determines nutrient gaps from the specific foods and portions fed to then determine the correct supplement(s) and amount(s).
If you are unable to access the website or are unsure what to select, please speak directly with your veterinarian. If you are looking for someone to make specific recommendations for your dog/cat, you may need to pursue a paid consultation with one of the options available at vetspecialists.com or from the directory at balance.it/dacvim.
Here’s How To Get Started:
To sign up for a FREE account go to www.balance.it. In the upper right-hand corner click on Login to begin your FREE Sign Up. Once you have successfully created your free account, you will see Logout in the upper right-hand corner.
If your adult dog/puppy/adult cat/kitten is healthy, please use the FREE Recipe Builder. We have an updated interface for healthy animal companions with thousands of foods available to select from.
1. Under Step 1: Your Dog/Cat, enter/select your dog’s or cat’s name (you may even add a photo of your furry friend!) in the right species and age section for them.
Enter their weight
You may change the units from lb (pound) to kg (kilogram) if necessary.
Enter their age in years or if a puppy or kitten, in months
Enter their gender and reproductive status
2. AAFCO Dog or Cat Maintenance or Growth and Reproduction will automatically be selected and cannot be removed as it is used for calculations along with any selections under Any special needs or diet we should be aware of?. If health conditions are selected a vet approval will be required to be FDA compliant.
3. Click Build Recipe Now if you need some help with selecting ingredients or click Let me Pick Ingredients to go to the ingredients page to select your own ingredients.
4. If you click on Let me Pick Ingredients, under Step 2: Ingredients (optional) you may search & select ingredients you wish to feed your dog or cat. Note: To create convenient one-pot cooking recipes, please check the box stating Show one-pot cooking ingredients & recipes ONLY under Step 2: Ingredients (optional).
Using the search bar, you may search for & select ingredients such as “chicken” or “rice”. Adding details/keywords like “chicken breast cooked” or “rice white cooked” will refine your search results.
Alternatively, you may instead select some proteins, carbs, fats, veggies, fruits, and/or treats & enticers by clicking “Most Popular”and the buttons that appear.
If there are ingredients you wish to LEAVE OUT or EXCLUDE from your recipe(s), you may click on “ANY INGREDIENTS YOU’D LIKE TO LEAVE OUT?” and enter keywords you wish to exclude (or filter out) so they will not show up in search and recipe results.
At the bottom of the page, you will see a light red box with all the keywords you wish to leave out in strikethrough text. To no longer exclude a keyword click the X.
5. After selecting your ingredients to include (and to exclude), scroll down and click on Get Recipe.
6. You will then be able to view the recipes that pass on the next screen. Recipes take thousands of calculations to be created & are checked in real-time and not all options will meet all nutrient requirements. The first recipe presented to you will often be an All Protein option that just uses protein rich foods that you selected and fats/oils. If you selected additional ingredients then you will want to look at the recipes lower on the page under the relative/comparative headers of Higher Protein/Fat and Lower Carb, Mid-range Protein and Carb and Higher Carb. Some or all of these may not be possible, and they will not appear when they are not. Sometimes none of them are possible and alternatives will be suggested or guidance to try something else. Please click on View Recipe on one of these successful recipes to see the full recipe report.
7. ONLY if the one-pot cooking option was selected, you may learn more on how to correctly use your one-pot recipe by seeing the Directions in your full recipe report.
8. At the top of the page after clicking View Recipe, you have a few things you can do:
You may print your recipe by clicking on the printer icon.
You may save your recipe to your account by clicking on the heart icon.
You may download your recipe as a PDF by clicking on the arrow pointing down icon.
9. Under Yield/Servings, you may click on Adjust this Recipe to edit/adjust the recipe. There you can:
a. Change the body weight of your dog or cat (if not done initially)
b. Adjust the feeding frequency and/or batch cooking preferences under Recipe amount
c. While there are additional options like changing the distribution of calories on this page, we recommend that you only do so under the guidance of a veterinarian or board-certified veterinary nutritionist®.
10. Then click on Update My Recipe
11. You will see a light green recipe stating Adjusted By You appear at the bottom of the previous results if successful. Please click on View Recipe to see the full recipe report of this Adjusted By You option. Some adjustments/edits may not be possible.
12. To purchase the supplement to fortify your recipe, click on Buy Supplement or Buy Now if made by Balance It® OR if a combination of supplements designed for humans, please see the recipe report for guidance on where to purchase these needed supplements elsewhere (e.g., online retailers, drugstores/pharmacies, healthy food stores, etc.).
Click here to build your FREE custom recipe(s).
In short, because they’ve been extensively researched, tested, and are held to the highest regulatory standards.
Davis Veterinary Medical Consulting, Inc. licenses the technology and intellectual property for Balance It® from our founder, a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, who spent thousands of hours creating the original software and patented formulations. Working with software engineers and other board-certified veterinary nutritionists, Dr. Delaney has spent decades refining the software and testing numerous human foods to ensure that the resulting supplements had and have the highest likelihood of meeting your beloved friend's individual needs.
To develop the right profile for just Balance It® Canine, almost 100,000 homemade recipes were formulated and evaluated by using this new software. With other software used at the time, it would have taken even the fastest board-certified veterinary nutritionist® a minimum of 24 YEARS to formulate and evaluate that many diets. This type of technological achievement led to the submission and receipt of multiple domestic and international patents. Over the years, with ongoing effort and offerings, the number of unique recipes that can be automatically and safely fortified to meet essential nutrient needs has grown from thousands to millions to billions and now trillions - yes trillions with a “T”. In practice, this technology allows us to proudly help veterinarians, board-certified veterinary nutritionists, and human companions to create up to 10,000 free, custom homemade recipes everyday.
In the spirit of continuous improvement, Balance It®, built its own state of the art, third-party audited food (aka human) grade facility in Northern California in 2018 and attained human dietary supplement registration with the FDA and was the first pet product only facility to attain a human processed food registration with the State of California. These industry leading food quality and safety standards and achievements ensure that every lot of blended supplement is assayed for every essential guaranteed nutrient and is only released when within tight specifications. This ensures that any nutrient gaps found when feeding human foods to dogs and cats long-term are fully and safely filled.
Generally the answer is no. Most commercial pet foods are less expensive, more convenient, and some have undergone controlled testing. However, if you prefer to make homemade food for your animal companion, we believe (as do tens of thousands of veterinarians) that we provide the best and safest solution short of an individualized consultation with a board-certified veterinary nutritionist® who will create a homemade recipe following medical record review and evaluation of a diet history for a fee (see the Vet Nutritionist link in the page footer for a directory).
We are subject to policies/rules/regulations/laws specifically FDA Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) Section (Sec.) 690.150 that cover all nutritional products that are intended to "mitigate" or "treat" disease in dogs and cats. This FDA guidance means making specific information and/or products only available to the public under the direction/supervision of a veterinarian.
We can understand how this might initially seem like we are just being difficult to work with or stubborn, especially as only a handful of pet food companies like us are subject to this guidance, but we cannot violate both state laws and federal guidelines even if it would make conducting business easier.
Independent of our need to be legally/regulatory compliant, we strongly support this guidance philosophically as it is designed to protect dogs and cats, and after over 20 years in veterinary nutrition specialty practice, our founder has seen its value in avoiding the good intentioned misuse of products and/or inappropriate feeding that could sadly lead to harm or an adverse effect. We have worked and continue to work hard to make the process of gaining any needed veterinary approval as simple and efficient as possible with an automated system supported by a dedicated customer service team that can immediately fax and/or email your veterinarian for their approval and track each step of the process with a detailed log.
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